Live Q&A with Chris Connot from Denver Mycology!

Live Q&A with Chris Connot from Denver Mycology!

Hey everyone!

We are super excited for this one since, for the first time in our Online School History. We have the pleasure of doing a live event with someone normally doing their amazing fungal thing outside of Guatemala. 

Live in person! It’s quite unbelievable that Chris is here in person and we can have a smooth conversation not limited by either our internet connections! 

Chris is a wealth of information on Sacred Mushroom Cultivation and Community! 

Denver Mycology is all about creating a grassroots-based community that supports the progressions of mycology, while being a leading and trusted source of education, cultivation, and above all safety.

Check out this amazing video if you want to know more!

Drop all of your cultivation Questions in the Usual spot and we will see you tomorrow!