Daniel Shankin – Coming Down Gently: Integration for Body, Mind, and Soul

Coming Down Gently: Integration for Body, Mind, and Soul

With Daniel Shankin

October 10th, 2024

9am PST / 10am MT / 12pm EST

Donation $25
Link is provided upon registration!

Join Daniel Shankin of Tam Integration as he takes us through their model for integration. Daniel will share with us the essential processes for after-care and integration through the lenses of the body, the mind, and the journey of the soul.

Meet Your Facilitator

As a psychedelic integration coach, Daniel serves people with emerging spiritual visions as they weave their new-found truths into their lives in a way that is sustainable, harmonious, compassionate and wise. His methods are fiercely practical while maintaining space for mystery and magic to emerge. He offers time tested and scientifically backed tools so clients can create a life for themselves that is aligned with their deeper values and manifests measurable results that matter.

As the founder and director of Tam Integration, he’s committed to offering radically accessible and inclusive support and education for people who are wanting to transform, heal, and grow. Tam’s integration circles and online conferences enjoy a world wide audience and much critical acclaim.

He also leads the year long Mt. Tam Psychedelic Integration Coaching Program, training emerging leaders in the facilitation of transformational engagement.

He and his wife live in a tiny town in New England where they forage for mushrooms and throw rocks into creeks with their two young boys.

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