Growing with Amanita Muscaria with Amanita Dreamer

Growing with Amanita Muscaria with Amanita Dreamer

The Amanita might be the most iconic mushroom of the world. Hell, the mushroom emoji is even an Amanita 🍄. It grows almost everywhere in the world, and most, if not all of our ancestors came in direct contact with this enthralling mushroom. 

But, according to Amanita Dreamer, Amanita muscaria is more than an iconic mushroom.

“It can heal anxiety, help with mental health and growth and can also transform how we see the world. It is used in microdosing, smoking to find the elders, and tripping to induce, sometimes difficult, sometimes life altering, change. In this webinar we will be introduced the vast world of the amanita muscaria mushroom, safe use, types of use and what the mushroom wants the humans to know.” – Amanita Dreamer