Rich Tyo – Preparing and Navigating a Somatic Sitting Practice

Preparing and Navigating a Somatic Sitting Practice

With Richard Tyo

September 26th, 2024

9am PST / 10am MT / 12pm EST

Donation $25
Link is provided upon registration!

This presentation will provide important skills and knowledge that will deepen your understanding of what a grounded and embodied sitter can be. We will explore the many sides of sitting, as well as what it means to prepare yourself and others to navigate the terrain of the psychedelic experience. Based on somatic and relational psychotherapy, psychedelic ethics, transpersonal psychology and more, we will explore how to embody what it means to be a safe person within a psychedelic container, how to build that container, and some ways to respond to what may emerge in a session.

Meet Your Facilitator

Rich is an educator, therapist, and musician with 18 years of experience working in the mental health field. He has worked as a mental health and addictions crisis worker, case manager, psychotherapist, and psychedelic therapist. He has developed a psychedelic first-aid and preparedness program through Neuma, which he co-founded.

He teaches an elective class on Navigating Safe Touch through Medicinal Mindfulness and psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy for end-of-life distress through Therapsil, a Canadian non-profit. Rich offers private and group supervision and consultation around best practices in psychedelic-assisted therapy.

He is a passionate advocate and community organizer, focusing his energy on psychedelic education, harm reduction, safe use, accessibility, and equity. He hosts regular virtual and in-person psychedelic cannabis circles as well as group and individual medicine sessions with various modalities.

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