The Psychedelic Mysteries of Christmas

the psychedelic mysteries of christmas


3hrs of Content

Sliding Scale Cost $15-$25

Link provided upon registration

Darren Le Baron will be delivering his timely and seasonal presentation The Psychedelic Mysteries of Christmas. Have you ever heard that both Christmas and Santa Claus have psychedelic origins? Is Christmas not the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ? Oh yeah, Santa’s little helpers and flying reindeers… where does all this come from?

What, if any are the psychedelic connections?

Well, According to some Jesus is a Mushroom and the story of Santa Claus is not the creation of Coca-Cola, nor Saint Nicholas or a children’s story, it exists because of a small living being with great powers: the magical Amanita Muscaria mushroom. There is much debate as to whether or not these psychedelic clams are actually true. Well Darren has been doing extensive research on this sensitive subject and is now ready to share his findings with the world.

In this presentation Darren will explore the ancient origins, and some of the not so well known truths about this festive season. With so much distortion and misrepresentation over the years, it is now time to shed light on the Psychedelic Christmas mysteries before they are totally removed from folklore as well as our history books.

Darren will leave no stone unturned in this talk, so if this is the first time you’re hearing any of this, we hope it doesn’t ruin Christmas for you but enhance it. Either way come along and be flown away by this thought provocative presentation.

Meet Your Teacher

Darren Le Baron is an educator, researcher and event organizer based in the UK. Known around the world for his Shroomshop Master classes he is keen mushroom cultivator and teacher. Darren is a knowledgeable and dynamic speaker who is passionate about sharing his research and findings on ancient African plant medicines, the history and various applications.
He is a member and presenter at the London Psychedelic Society, a chair and Breaking Convention committee member. He is a regular presenter at the Detroit Psychedelic Conference, Ozora, Noisily and Lightening in a Bottle Festivals, as well as numerous gatherings around the world sharing his extensive research on psychedelics and how they can help support humanity.
Collectively his work aims to inform and empower individuals from diverse backgrounds to cope with social challenges and contribute to community development as well as self-improvement in an innovative, creative, culturally-aware style.

Darren Le Baron

Educator, Researcher & Event Organizer

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